date Nov 2008 |
media toolkit dvd |
client Turner Contemporary
information This Toolkit DVD documents a series of activity sessions which ran in Margate and was made for people who work with under 4s in playgroups and nurseries and Children’s Centres. It includes project guidelines as well as eight activity outlines and information about how the project helps to meet the Early Years Foundation Stage targets.
Devil's Dozen
date Jul 2008 |
media promo dvd video |
client 2 Days Later
information This DVD was produced to promote and showcase to investors and funders the quality and experience of the 2 Days Later Short Film Competition and the Hallowe’en Screening. It featured the best 13 films that have been entered into the competition from 2003 to 2007 as well as a 2007 Hallowe’en screening documentary and the 2007 trailer for the competition.
Six of the Best
date Jun 2008 |
media promo dvd video |
client 2 Days Later
information This DVD promoted and showcased to investors and funders the quality and experience of the 2 Days Laughter Short Film Competition and the April Fools’ Screening. It featured the best six films that entered into the first year of the competition as well as the April Fools’ 2008 screening documentary.
Beeping Bush Productions Showcase
date Jul 2006 |
media self promo dvd video
information This DVD was produce to promote and showcase the work of Beeping Bush Productions to prospective clients. It featured short films, trailers, motion menus and video extracts of Beeping Bush videos, documentaries and graphic design work from 2003 to 2006.
Drug Use Screening Tool (Authoring and design layout)
date Mar 2006 |
media toolkit dvd |
client Chalkstack/Kent Drug & Alcohol Action Team
information This toolkit DVD was authored and designed for Chalkstack and Kent Drug & Alcohol Action. It was produced for professionals working with, or caring for, young people and featured several films by Chalkstack, a comprehensive 88 screen drug guide, web links, facilitators and participants training packs.